Jaxson is walking...everywhere...all over the house, across the lobby at church, wherever he can get his little feet on the ground, he's walking!! It's so cute. Sometime he walks pretty fast and looks like he's going to run, but I'm pretty sure it's his way of avoiding the fall!! He hasn't had too many hard falls, mostly, he just slows down and sits, but sometimes he trips on a toy or something and stops, drops, and rolls!! :)
His favorite things right now are playing peek-a-boo, crawling or running across the room waiting for mommy and daddy to chase him, or playing in the Tupperware or utensils in the kitchen. He has many toys all over the living room floor, but those are only there when he needs a break from the kitchen "toys". Lately at nap/bedtime, he pulls the blanket over his head and just laughs, waiting for me to say, "where is Jaxson?"
Oh, his other favorite thing to do is EAT!! He eats and eats!! :) You'd think he weighed 40 lbs, but he's just barely tipping the scale at 20...on a "heavy" day. He's so extremely active he must just work it all off. He's eating mostly fruits and vegetables and once in a while some chicken and beef but it's just crazy how much the little guy can hold. His belly does pop out quite a bit, but it's more visible without a shirt on.
He is so adorable!!
it's crazy how similar our two little boys are...and yet they're each their very own. Caleb loves to run/crawl from us and have us chase him and he's walking all over and very proud of himself! Just funny how they develop so similar! Can't wait for our trip! Love you guys!
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