Monday, January 15, 2007

Snowed in Again

Well we are going on day 4 that Janese and I have been stuck in the house after the 2nd major winter storm to hit the Joplin area this year. The storm hit Friday afternoon with the majority of the ice (a little over 1") then a 2nd front came through Saturday which brought some more ice and sleet, followed by the last front which came through on Sunday and into today with a little bit of snow and ice. Growing up in the St. Louis area I am used to the city or county actually plowing the streets, however here in Joplin/Webb City we are lucky if they plow the main streets. Which I guess I shouldn't complain to much except when they plow the main streets then they just leave a big pile of snow and ice at the intersections to all the other streets and entrances to any businesses.

In addition to the traffic problems this storm has caused it has left many people without power and heat. One of which was my little brother who is a freshman at Ozark this year. Andrew got a call late Friday night that the dorms were opening early to let the students return from Christmas break. Andrew decided that he had had enough of staying with his big brother and decided to head for the dorms. Great call Andrew, I bet it was fun to stay at the dorms with no electricity!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Passion 07

WOW! 22,000 people all in one place for one purpose what a cool thing. Janese and I went to Passion 07 this year in Atlanta, GA! Last year there were 18,000 in Nashville and we took over the downtown Nashville area. This year at Passion with such an increase in attendance they had to do a 2nd venue. It worked very well with two venues, they had a satellite feed with the speaker but both venues had live worship. It was such a cool exerience again this year to worship our Savior with so many brothers and sisters. This year Passion had the Do Something Now Campaign. It was an opportunity for everyone to get involved either financially, prayerfully, or vocationally. It's so incredible to not only see and hear, but to be a small part of what God is doing all over the world so that every ear will hear the Gospel and the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Here's the run down with tons more detail on the Do Something Now Campaign page...52 water wells were sponsored in Africa for communities to have fresh water for life, 6 people groups in Indonesia will receive the New Testament in their native language, 20 students through Compassion International were sponsored so they can go to college in Africa, 4,000 bibles were mailed to East Asia with people committing to pray for each person that receives one. Passion is planning to do global conferences the end of this year and next to reach out to those that don't know Jesus, that haven't heard His Word, and that possibly don't even have the Word of God in their language.

"That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:10-12