Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Our family is growing!!

Yep, that's right...we're pregnant! We've known for a little while, but now that we've been to the doctor we are really excited to be able to share the news with all of our family and friends! We got to hear the heartbeat on Monday and found out we're 14 weeks 5 days along. We're due September 8 and we're both extremely excited. Daddy is calling the baby by name! We don't know what we're having, but we do have the names picked out and no, we aren't going to find out! :)
The baby is growing and my stomach is starting to get bigger. We'll have pictures later as the baby continues to grow. Everything with me and the baby are great. I was nauseous mostly in the evenings and sometimes randomly throughout the day, but for the most part I'm past all of that and now can just enjoy the changes.
Not only is our family growing, but Sheila, my sister-in-law is due July 7 with a girl and Jessica, my oldest sister is due the end of July. They're not finding out what they're having either, but we're looking forward to Christmas with all of us together with the new babies. Tucker James will be 1 year old by then and won't know what to do with all the little ones around. It's going to be so exciting! That's all for now...there will be plenty more updates so check back soon!