Tuesday, October 16, 2007

a fathers love

Well our little man is 25 days old.
It has been an incredible experience so far being a Dad. I tell Janese all the time "I love him so much" I just can't get over how much a father can love his son. I was talking to Janese the other day about the great love that I have for Jaxson and how I just want to take care of him and protect him and want to provide the best for him and then it hit me. God wanted all of those things and more for his son but He gave Him as a sacrifice for our sins....... WOW! I have grown up hearing that story over and over and over; then being in ministry have told that story over and over and over and now having a son of my own it means something totally new.

Jaxson Daddy loves you!
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Saturday, October 6, 2007

Pictures of Jaxson

We just wanted to give you a link to some pictures we have in one of our web albums.


Friday, October 5, 2007

2 weeks old

It has been a busy 2 weeks for the Temm household. Jaxson is 2 weeks old today and he has already met both sets of grandparents, Aunt Jess, Uncle Jonathon and Cousin Caleb, and Aunt Nicole. Grandma and Grandpa Temm came right away.

They were here when we got back from the birth center and stayed through Wednesday morning. Then Grandma and Grandpa Farr came Wednesday night and stayed until Sunday afternoon. Jess, Jonathon, and Caleb all came on Thursday and stayed until Saturday night.

Now Aunt Nicole is here to visit until Sunday afternoon.

It has been lots of fun to have all the company, the nice thing is that since we have a newborn we don't even have to entertain, Jaxson takes care of that for us. We also don't even have to worry about keeping a clean house. Actually if it is messy then they clean it for us. This seems to be working really well!