Saturday, January 12, 2008

Why are you crying!?

That is the question Janese and I were asking a little over a week ago when we were driving home from church on Saturday night. Jaxson had been doing great in the car just as content as can be for about two weeks. Then that night as we were driving home he started screaming (mad), we have kind of learned his hungry cry, and his scared cry, and his mad cry is completely different! We just figured he was mad that he was in his car seat, I put my hand back there and he held on to my finger and stopped crying. I thought he just wanted to be close to his daddy. But as you can see his little hat had slid down and covered his eyes. The poor little boy couldn't see anything and only found comfort when we was able to know someone was there with him. We of course didn't realize this until we got home and found him like this..... While we both felt awful about it we couldn't help but take a picture.
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