We didn't really take Jaxson trick or treating (we didn't want him to have all the candy) but we did have a couple friends and their kids come over for a couple hours. Jaxson wore his costume most of the time he would shake his head back and forth so his ears would go in front of his face. It was quite funny! One of the little kids we had over is a girl who is 5 days younger than Jaxson, she kept following him around trying to give him a hug.... Jaxson apparently had enough of this when he turned and shoved her with both hands. Jaxson had to get in trouble for pushing but I honestly thought it was kind of funny. He must have been thinking "girl you're smothering me get off!" and the only way he knew to express it was turn and shove!
We tried to get him to bark but when he was asked he would smile and shake his head no. He has been talking (trying anyway) a lot lately. Janese said she heard him talking up a storm the other day when he was supposed to be taking a nap so she peaked in on him. She said he was standing up in his crib talking and pointing his finger at his animals on his sheets, when he saw Janese she asked him if he was talking to his animals, he of course denied it. I wish all the time that I knew what he was thinking.